统一身份服务密码重置/Reset Password for UUID
您好! 为保证您的账户信息安全,您必须按以下步骤找回或重置密码/ Hi, to secure your account information, you must do following steps to retrieve or reset your password:
- 请持您的有效身份证明到两校区校园网服务中心登记您正在使用的手机号码/ Please register your mobile phone number at the Campus Network Service Center with your valid identification certificate
- 对于系统里已经预留了您正在使用的手机号码的用户,可以按照以下步骤找回密码/ For users who have reserved the phone number you are using in system, please check the following steps to retrieve the password.
- 密码长度至少8位,字母大小写加数字等复杂组合/ Length of password should be at least 8 bits including lowercase letters, uppercase letters and numbers